Welcome to Walk YOUR Way for Autism Nova Scotia on the South Shore!
With Walk events taking place across Nova Scotia, all funds stay in the community in which they are raised. This means your involvement with Walk YOUR Way makes a meaningful difference to your friends, families, neighbours, customers & coworkers in Lunenburg and Queens County!
Each year across the South Shore, more than 100 walkers and 15 teams gather to celebrate the resilience, courage and, compassion of the autism community.
Why We Walk
Walk YOUR Way is an opportunity for autistic individuals, families, and caregiver networks to gather as a community and support the 14,000+ individuals on the autism spectrum across Nova Scotia. Funds raised through Walk the Walk empower Autism Nova Scotia to help individuals find gainful employment, build support networks, learn new skills and so much more. The generous support of our walkers, teams and donors makes all this possible.
We are in this TOGETHER!
Do You Want to Walk?
1. Click Register on the right hand side of the page
2. Follow the steps!
3. Once you have created an account, click "LOG IN" on the top of the webpage
4. Customize your page, add photos, information about yourself and tell everyone WHY you are walking!
5. Check out "Fundraising Tools" at the top of the webpage for great tips on how to hold a successful virtual fundraiser!
Join a Walk Team TODAY!
Your team can be made up of anybody and everybody. Share your story with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers about why you are walking this year, and invite them to join you. Bring as many on board as you want- this is your team and you get to decide how big it can be.
Click the link to sign up or join a team in your community today: http://walkthewalkforautism.ca/teams
Do You Want to Donate?
Making a donation is easy when you donate online to Walk YOUR Way for Autism - You can donate to support an individual, a team, or a the South Shore Chapter of Autism NovaScotia!
1. Press Donate on the right side of the webpage
2. In the drop down box, chose how you want to donate - if it's a team or individual, you will have to search their name!
3. You can always donate directly to the person in cash or make a cheque payable to Autism Nova Scotia - South Shore Chapter
Date: Saturday, June 7 2025
Location: HB Studios Fieldhouse, 543 Glen Allan Dr, Bridgewater
Registration Opens
Activities start!
Opening Ceremony
Walk Starts following Ceremony
11:00am to 12:00pm
Activities & BBQ
Field Activities Open!
Imagination Playground, Sports Equipment, Lawn Games and more!
Sensory Rooms Open
Art Activity Room Open
Location: HB Studios Fieldhouse, 543 Glen Allan Dr, Bridgewater
Registration Opens
Activities start!
Opening Ceremony
Walk Starts following Ceremony
11:00am to 12:00pm
Activities & BBQ
Field Activities Open!
Imagination Playground, Sports Equipment, Lawn Games and more!
Sensory Rooms Open
Art Activity Room Open
Coordinator Contact
Chantal Milne
(902) 514-7489