Walk YOUR Way for Autism - Stepping in the Right Direction for Autism

Port Hawkesbury


Welcome to Walk YOUR Way for Autism Nova Scotia in the Quad Counties!

With Walk events taking place across Nova Scotia, all funds raised stay in the community in which they are raised. This means your involvement with Walk YOUR Way makes a meaningful difference to your community.

Each year in the Quad Counties, more than 100 walkers and 20 teams gather to celebrate the resilience, courage, and compassion of the autism community.

This year, we will be hosting Walk YOUR Way for Autism on June 7th.  Our Walk event will take place at the Mulgrave Memorial Centre gymnasium and outdoor field from 1pm-3pm. So please come and Walk, run, skip, ride your bike — do it YOUR way!

Why We Walk

Walk YOUR Way is an opportunity for autistic individuals, families, and caregiver networks to gather as a community and support the 14,000+ individuals on the Autism Spectrum across Nova Scotia. Funds raised through Walk YOUR Way empower Autism Nova Scotia to help individuals find gainful employment, learn crucial life skills, build support networks, and so much more. The generous support of our walkers, teams and donors makes all this possible.

We are in this TOGETHER!


Join a Walk Team Today!

Your team can be made up of anybody and everybody. Share your story with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers about why you are walking this year, and invite them to join you. Bring as many on board as you like - this is your team and you get to decide how big it can be.

Click the link to sign up or join a team in your community today: http://walkthewalkforautism.ca/teams



Want to receive up-to-date information for the Quad Counties Walk?

Follow our Facebook Event Page 


Date: Saturday, June 7th, 2024

Location: Mulgrave Memorial Centre

Time: 1pm - 3pm

Coordinator Contact:
Natalie Stevens




Location Mulgrave Memorial Centre
  • Coordinator Contact

    Natalie Stevens